Friday, July 29, 2011

I am abandoning blogger because it is clunky. Please come visit me at tumblr!
I will update much more often now. I will have other posters, too!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tekko: Legend of Zelda

ヤッホー 左です! I've got some LoZ pics for 'ya. Pics are connected to their dA counterpart, so click 'em! ('cept a few of 'em that dun have a dA, ya'kno!)
First, the amazerful Midna!

I went around on Saturday asking people for 1 on 1 photoshoots, and other than Morgan and her Ciel (who's pictures came out black and static) He's the only one that accepted! And because I'm awesome, I gave each of them some nice photoshopping for extra coolness. His props were legit. They'll come in a later "prop" post.

Girlie link! I liked the velvet. I shoulda pitched my Potions to her

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tekko: One Piece

Ohemgee One Piece! I had originally intended to cosplay as a generic Marine, but I didn't feel like making the "Justice" Coat. Maybe someday. For now, enjoy these!
Each link to their dA Except the Nico-Luffy one.

These guys were pretty cool. I was happy to see serious OP fans. I'm pretty sure that's ALL they cosplayed. I ran into them several times during the weekend.

Tekko: Ouran High School Host Club

Here are some of the Ouran HSHC pictures I took at Tekko. I actually had my other ones come out with lots of motion blur.

Haruhi and Tamaki
These three were hard to get in one group. Hunny-Sempai kept running off, lol. I think Tamaki was the one who took the liberty of gathering everyone for me. I'm glad, too because this is my most-favourited picture on dA!
And THIS picture is one of my personal favourites. They're so perfect! The first time I took their pictures, they came out super blurry, and I ran into them again later and got this gold. Or maybe my photography improved in a couple hours, lol.

Tekko: Black Butler, round 3

My new layout isn't 100% complete (I can't find where the pink and blue are coming from) but I'll post up some pics anyways.
As always, they link to their larger, dA counterparts.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New layout coming soon, more...

Sorry for the delay in Tekko photos...

My Graphics tablet quit working on me! It is so primitive to edit photos with a common mouse, so it's going very slow. I will post several new photos after...

My new layout debuts! I'm throwing in some images, but the coding is finished. I can't wait! Ooh, what colours should I use?!

I won't go to bed before it's up~

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tekko: Black Butler, round 2

If you haven't already, please read This Important Announcement

Here's round two of Kuroshitsuji photos. I have about 10 more that I will fit into another post tomorrow! Each photo links to it's larger version on dA!